While locked in an argument that Im not even sure what it was about I realized something. Its not about what you know its about HOW LOUD YOU YELL
A male vs male argument is 70% volume. Thats why when there are more on one side they are sure to win just imagine a football argument. The guy throwing out the facts like a civilized human is sure to lose.
A female vs female argument from my understanding (I've never had one...) is the same. Thats why ghetto girls are good at arguing because they have no off switch.
A male vs female argument is an awkward one to guess. there are no true rules to it usually the female wins because of obvious unspoken reasons but Id rather not delve into that now.
Long story short, in a bind? YELL LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT...and maybe just maybe you'll win
(is it just me or does the word look/sound weird now)
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