Isn't necessarily that cool to me...well let me rephrase that, it isn't that necessary to me.
The way I see it, Twitter is for people with relevant info and little time; otherwise they could just get a regular blog (like the rest of us).
But the way I see it being used is for people with no relevant info who just want your attention. News Channels dont need a Twitter, they're on TV after all. Normal people (ewwww normal people) dont need Twitters...because they either already have a Facebook (speaking of which) or Myspace.
And while we're on the subject of Twitter, a friend and I were discussing just how do you say that you put something on Twitter. Is it Twittered, Tweeted, Twottered (which sounds dirty), or what exactly?
These are probably just the ravings of a bored blogger though...
as far as I'm concerned, each individual post is called a tweet