

I've noticed over the past few months that people are assholes. Haven't you noticed that when you're a nice person, certain people just have the desire...no NEED...to see how far they can push you?

I mean what are you trying to prove? Oh Im just that cool that I can ruin a nice persons life and get away with it. Try that shit (excuse my language) with another asshole and see what happens, because honestly a nice person knows how to hide how much of an asshole (or goon if you're that kinda person) they are...but EVERYONE has asshole in them.

That is why from this day forth Im not holding back, Im lettin the goon/asshole out every chance I get and if you're reading this and feel like "uh oh, I fucked up..."(once again I let my Christian Bale out) you more than likely did (but the real assholes wont have enough foresight to realize it until its too late)

(Wow I just re-read this and I sound like a murderer. In NO way am I condoning violence...but hey some people never learn until...)

1 comment:

  1. i feel this is slighty directed at me *ouch* (police on speeddial)
